
fall and football

i think fall will be here in full force this weekend.  tomorrow’s high is in the 50’s, and it’s predicted to get down to the 30’s at night.  perfect football weather.

this weekend we’ll be tailgating with the parents, who are rushing to get here right now – not to begin celebrating the big game this weekend, not to beat the traffic, and not even to see and hang out with us – their children – but to see lil baby.  can’t blame them though.

jonah will be making his first tailgate appearance this weekend.  i think he’s ready.

jonah lately 3

we’ve been having a lot of fun in the wilsie household lately.  it’s true, our life revolves predominantly around a routine.  and those time are precious:  getting ready in the morning (sometimes frantically), getting off of work and picking jonah up from the babysitter, picking up the house/making dinner/general family chill out time until jonah’s bedtime at 9, getting ready for the next day and doing it all over again.  

but then there are also the random fun things we’ve been able to do:  two trips to the pool, lunches out after church, youthlings over for dinner or movie nights, a long road trip down to florida.

life has taken on a different pace but it’s not the devastating blow that i was anticipating.  we actually have fun together!

sure i still have a pasty white body because leisurely laying out and basking in the sun just didn’t fit into the itinerary this summer.  it’s typically frowned upon for newborns to have golden tans.

but i got to discover that our town has a community pool (i never knew!) and see jonah’s face the first time i carried him out into the ocean.  he was so chill!

and when we took the youth group to king’s dominion this year i got so excited about when we’d be able to take jonah on his first roller coaster
and hey, who wouldn’t be greatful to the person who’s single-handedly gotten me back to less than my pre-pregnancy weight?  woot woot nursing!
plus he’s just SO. DARN. CUTE that i can’t get over it!  so let’s see, what else can i pretend to talk about when really you’re only reading this post to see pictures of jonah…
maybe the fact that he now reaches for things and puts them in his mouth.  and tonight, when we were out at a company picnic for ross’s work, we met another little baby who looked a lot like jonah from a distance – very close in size, similar facial expressions, etc.  – the kid was EIGHT MONTHS OLD. whaaat?  jonah’s not even 5 months – it was a huge wakeup call that our child is very large.  i guess that was his 90th percentile in action.
and there is just something completely and utterly magical about the book Brown Bear, Brown Bear.  its like crack to a drug addict – all the troubles of the world just melt away and he is completely mesmerized.  this came in incredibly handy for the few times he decided that 10 hours nonstop in a car was in fact, NOT high on his list of fun.  magic, i tell you.
so that’s what’s going on in our lives right now.  a little bit of work, a lot of routine, some drooling and biting, looots of giggling, and some fun family adventures thrown in too.  my new goal in life is to find a used bike trailer so we can hook jonah onto one of our bikes and take a few trips down the huckleberry or new river trail before it gets too cold.
AND:  a sneak peek at the cousins! we’re working on more pictures that we took at the beach* last weekend. (anna: almost 3, jonah 20 weeks, luke 15 weeks)
* – not to be confused with vacation.  ross’s grandfather passed away and we made the long trip down to florida for the funeral and to be with family.

the morning routine

the usual morning routine: creep in to stare at sleeping baby.  flip baby carefully onto back.  wait for the smile. heart melts.